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Hello everyone!  My name is William Thrower and I have been an enthusiast for capitalism throughout life.  I have studied money and the behaviors of a variety of markets under all types of conditions over the past 18 years.  I am here trying to spread my love and appreciation for capitalism and prosperity throughout the world.


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Advantages of Capitalism

Capitalism Supports Equal Opportunity - Not Equal Outcome This means that everyone has the same economic potential.  One person's chances of becoming a billionaire are just as good as the next person's chances.  It all depends on who makes the right moves and works hardest to achieve their goals.  If a person comes up with a great invention and makes $1 billion overnight, then that is because he or she found a vacuum in the market and subsequently filled the void with a useful product or service that people actually want or need. It Inspires Luxuries The one thing that can be even better than providing one of the public's needs is to create a want.  Think about it.  Nobody actually needs to spend $5, $10, or even $15 a day on drinks at Starbucks - but there are plenty of people who do so just because they want the delicious beverages that Starbucks has to offer.  Also, it is interesting to note that in the communist countries, you don't exactly see a lot of