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Advantages of Capitalism

Capitalism Supports Equal Opportunity - Not Equal Outcome

This means that everyone has the same economic potential.  One person's chances of becoming a billionaire are just as good as the next person's chances.  It all depends on who makes the right moves and works hardest to achieve their goals.  If a person comes up with a great invention and makes $1 billion overnight, then that is because he or she found a vacuum in the market and subsequently filled the void with a useful product or service that people actually want or need.

It Inspires Luxuries

The one thing that can be even better than providing one of the public's needs is to create a want.  Think about it.  Nobody actually needs to spend $5, $10, or even $15 a day on drinks at Starbucks - but there are plenty of people who do so just because they want the delicious beverages that Starbucks has to offer.  Also, it is interesting to note that in the communist countries, you don't exactly see a lot of places like Starbucks.  When we picture the communist countries, who in their right mind really pictures people sitting around at Starbucks sipping on $5 hand-crafted beverages?  I'd be willing to bet no one.  

On a larger scale, I can just as easily point to the invention of cars.  We didn't really need cars.  People had already been used to traveling by horse for centuries.  They could have just as easily kept on doing so, but the invention of the car created a want in the general public.  As time went on, the public forgot how to properly ride and care for horses, and replaced this archaic technology with the knowledge of how to drive cars and perform car maintenance.  When the new technology replaced the old, the want became a need.  Next time you travel 100 miles by car in a couple hours instead of taking three whole days to do so by horse, just remember capitalism is what made that possibility a reality.

Capitalism Demands Relevance and Efficiency

All products and services offered by businesses must be relevant, affordable, and efficient.  Competition ensures that this is the case because a business that becomes irrelevant to the public will quickly be forced to close its doors.  The same outcome will occur if a business is unable to provide its products and services efficiently and at an affordable rate.  

Executive Ownership is Conducive to Capitalism

This inspires efficiency within any given business.  A business in which the chair person or CEO has substantial holdings within the company stock is almost sure to be more financially conservative and less willing to take unnecessary risks than a business in which the people at the top own little to no shares of the company stock.  Imagine this:  suppose every person who leads a publicly-traded corporation should be paid a salary of $1 a year and receive the rest of their compensation in the form of company stock, which they should be required to hold for at least one year upon receiving and should never be allowed to sell any shares that they have not held for at least one year.  If such a law existed, you can rest-assured that CEOs all over America would be more responsible and do whatever it took to keep the share price rising.

Capitalism is Moral

Capitalism is moral because it drives people to come up with new inventions and innovations, which make all our lives easier.  It is the financial incentive which makes people dream up new products and services.  This small minority improves the quality of life for everyone.  It only takes one Henry Ford.  It only takes one Thomas Edison.  It only takes one Steve Wozniak.  These are a few of the people who achieved great success under the capitalist system and we all get to benefit from their accomplishments every single day.

Some have asserted that capitalism is immoral just because it promotes greed - but have they ever considered that if our great inventors were completely devoid of greed and had no use for money and material things, they may well have chosen not to invent anything?  Have these critics of capitalism ever considered that perhaps greed is a good thing if it inspires new inventions that improve our daily lives astronomically?  While some would assert that capitalism is immoral because it is so compatible with avarice, I staunchly believe that it is the greed component of capitalism which makes the capitalist system moral in the first place.

I would be remiss if I neglected to point out that the other reason why capitalism is moral is because it acknowledges the individual.  When you succeed under the capitalist system, the whole world knows it.  You get your face on the cover of Forbes.  You get on the cover of Fortune Magazine.  You get asked to appear on talk shows to promote your business.  Good luck ever achieving any of that in a communist country.  Success in the communist system simply means being great at your government-mandated job - a job that you probably would not have chosen if given a choice - a job where you will also never make more money than the government wants you to because the government sets how much money you are allowed to make.  You never get acknowledged regardless of how well you do your job and nobody cares.

So, what do you want - a system where the sky is the limit or a system where you will always be a government slave?  I invite you to choose capitalism.  


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Hello everyone!  My name is William Thrower and I have been an enthusiast for capitalism throughout life.  I have studied money and the behaviors of a variety of markets under all types of conditions over the past 18 years.  I am here trying to spread my love and appreciation for capitalism and prosperity throughout the world.